How Long Do Fire Sprinkler Systems Last?

Commercial fire sprinkler systems can last for decades if you have a Kissimmee fire sprinkler repair company on your speed dial. How long will your fire sprinkler system last? DynaFire knows!

Investing in a commercial fire sprinkler system for your business can keep your building occupants safe and keep you in line with state and local fire codes. If you partner with a reputable Kissimmee fire sprinkler repair company like ours, your fire sprinkler system can last for decades! All you have to do is have it inspected and repaired when necessary – and we can take care of that for you. 

Let’s explore the various components of your fire sprinkler system and how proper maintenance can extend its life.

What Parts Make Up A Fire Sprinkler System?

When you think of your fire sprinkler system, you likely only think about the component you see – the sprinkler heads. However, concealed within the walls and ceiling of your building lies a network of piping that’s just as crucial to your Fire & Life Safety. What other components constitute your fire sprinkler system.

Water Supply – You can’t overlook this critical element of your fire sprinkler system. Without a reliable water supply, your fire sprinkler system is no use. Your sprinkler system is likely tied directly to your municipal water supply or a dedicated water tank. 

Pipes – Tucked away in your walls, ceilings, and maintenance rooms are the pipes that carry water from its source to your sprinkler heads. Your piping network should be checked regularly for signs of wear and tear and repaired or replaced as needed.Kissimmee fire sprinkler repair

Sprinkler Heads – When you see these water distributors extending from the ceiling, you know you’ll be safe if there’s a fire (with proper inspections and maintenance).

What Affects The Lifespan Of A Fire Sprinkler System?

The type of fire sprinkler system you have, as well as the equipment used in its installation, can make an impact on how long your fire sprinkler system lasts.

Wet systems always have water in the pipes, allowing water to be dispersed immediately when a fire is detected. The downside to a wet system is that it is more susceptible to corrosion. When water and metal live side by side for an extended period, corrosion is likely. 

When corrosion goes unchecked, it can damage a fire sprinkler system in as little as five years. To avoid this problem, your installation should include air relief valves at pitched ceilings and galvanized pipe that is less susceptible to corrosion.

Pipe schedules

Pipe schedule refers to the number related to the pipe wall’s thickness and affects the pipe’s inside diameter. This term is used to classify pipes for pressure and temperature applications. The most common pipe schedules are 40 and 80, where schedule 40 would be thinner than schedule 80. The lowest pipe schedule recommended for fire sprinkler systems is schedule 40; anything lower could result in leaking and frequent repairs.

How Often Should Your Fire Sprinkler System Be Inspected?

DynaFire recommends having your fire sprinkler system inspected at least once a year. Our team of Kissimmee fire sprinkler repair technicians can assess your pipes and sprinkler heads for signs of corrosion or damage.

It is not uncommon for sprinkler heads to be replaced every few years, and this is a relatively inexpensive way to keep your fire sprinkler system working at its best. Similarly, corroded pipe sections can be replaced without overhauling your entire sprinkler system. Rest assured that we always prioritize working with our clients to guide them toward what’s best for their needs. We’ll never recommend a repair, replacement, or upgrade unless necessary for safety or code compliance. 

DynaFire Can Keep Your Fire Sprinkler System In Business For Decades

Your fire sprinkler system can last 50 years or more with proper inspection, repair, and maintenance. Keeping our Kissimmee fire sprinkler repair specialists in your virtual Rolodex goes a long way to getting the full life out of your sprinkler system. Contact us today for more information about ensuring your fire sprinkler system gives you an excellent return on your investment.

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