How Often Do You Need A Jacksonville Fire Extinguisher Recharge?

Is it time for your Jacksonville fire extinguisher recharge? You have no idea? No worries – we’ll get you back on schedule!

We’re going out on a limb to guess that you rarely, if ever, let your cell phone charge get to zero. Without your phone, you’re dead in the water – no calls, texts, TikTok videos – it can put quite a crimp in your day. But when was the last time you had your fire extinguishers recharged? Did you even know that was a thing? It is, and we have the scoop on how often a Jacksonville fire extinguisher recharge needs to be on your schedule.

What Is A Rechargeable Fire Extinguisher?

There are two types of fire extinguishers: disposable and rechargeable (or refillable). The main difference between them, as you may have detected by their names, is that a disposable fire extinguisher is a one-use-only model. In contrast, a rechargeable fire extinguisher can be used multiple times.

You may choose a disposable fire extinguisher for your home pantry or under your kitchen sink, which is better than no fire extinguisher. Still, you should choose a longer-lasting rechargeable model for your business needs.

Our Fire & Life Safety team at DynaFire can help you choose the proper fire extinguishers for your business, then set you up on a regular testing and maintenance schedule.

When Does A Rechargeable Fire Extinguisher Need Recharging?

Excellent question, and likely the entire reason you’re here, so let’s get into it. There are two criteria for needing a Jacksonville fire extinguisher recharge:

  • The fire extinguisher has been used
  • It’s time for routine maintenance

Your Fire Extinguisher Has Been Used

Let’s say Marv from HR started a small fire in the breakroom with his microwave popcorn and had to put it out with the breakroom fire extinguisher. It’s time to call the team at DynaFire to schedule that fire extinguisher’s recharge. Anytime your fire extinguisher has been used, it needs to be inspected and recharged. 

Your Fire Extinguisher Is Due For Maintenance

Fire extinguishers that remain unused must also be inspected regularly to ensure they are still ready to go the next time Marv needs a snack. NFPA-10 requires recharging rechargeable fire extinguishers every six years or more often if an inspection shows one is needed.

What About Inspections?Jacksonville fire extinguisher recharge

Each month, fire extinguishers should be visually inspected by a specified employee or certified inspector. During this inspection, ensure the pressure gauge shows an appropriate pressure level. If the pressure has dropped, call our team to see if it’s time for a recharge.

Your fire extinguishers should also be inspected by a certified fire safety technician every year, with a more thorough inspection occurring every five, six, and 12 years, depending on whether or not they need hydrostatic testing. 

What Other Deliverables Does DynaFire Offer?

When you partner with us for your fire extinguisher inspections, maintenance, and recharging, we can also assist you with the following services:

  • Fire extinguisher sales
  • Fire extinguisher signs, labels, and tags
  • Exit and emergency lights and light batteries
  • Fire extinguisher training
  • Fire hoses and nozzles
  • And more

Partner With DynaFire For All Your Fire & Life Safety Needs

When you have questions about how often you need your Jacksonville fire extinguisher recharged, your inspection schedule, or anything fire safety-related, contact us! We will talk your ear off about Fire & Life Safety and set you up with everything you need to keep you, your business, and your employees safe. We look forward to working with you.

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