5 Key Solutions Orlando Commercial Fire Protection Companies Should Offer

Do you know what to look for in Orlando commercial fire protection companies? We do. Here’s what your Fire & Life Safety company should offer. 

At DynaFire, we know that each of our clients has different needs so we don’t offer a one-size-fits-all solution for your Fire & Life Safety systems. When you’re searching for Orlando commercial fire protection companies, check three things – their website, their Google ratings and reviews, and their client testimonials

An informative website is like a first date – it will show you the basics about the company and give you an idea of whether or not you want to get to know them better. Google ratings are real reviews from real clients – the good, the bad, and the ugly. If there are any bad or ugly reviews, check out how the company responded. Did they ignore it? Or did they respond in a way that showed they did everything in their power to resolve the issue? 

Finally, client testimonials are the cream of the crop of reviews. These are typically featured on the company’s website. If they don’t feature any client testimonials, they may not have any good ones. No second date for them!

Once you have your search for Orlando commercial fire protection companies narrowed down, make sure the company you choose offers these five key solutions.

Fire Alarm Systems

Let’s start with the basics. Without a fire alarm, there is no fire protection, right? At DynaFire, we offer a wide range of Commercial Fire Alarm Systems and Smoke Detection solutions, all from manufacturers and distributors that have proven to be the best in the industry. 

Using only NICET-certified technicians is the best way to ensure the protection of life, property, and business. Our skilled team can design, install, and maintain fire alarm systems in businesses large and small.

Fire Suppression Systems

Believe it or not, fire suppression isn’t always done with water. If your building houses items that would be damaged or destroyed by water, we offer other means of fire suppression including foam and clean agent systems that are waterless. Who knew that was a thing? We did. 

DynaFire has a wide selection of systems and products that businesses and commercial properties need to keep their products and customers safe.

Fire Extinguisher Services

Fire extinguishers are your first line of defense against a fire, and you’re most likely required to have them strategically placed around your building. The thing about fire extinguishers is that they must be properly maintained and serviced to ensure that they will work when you need them to. Unless you plan to throw your fire extinguisher at the fire, which we do not recommend. 

DynaFire offers a full range of services for your fire extinguishers including inspection, maintenance, repair, and recharging.

BDA Solutions

For larger spaces, having a bi-directional amplifier system is crucial for effective communication between first responders. The problem with multi-level buildings is that radio communication can’t go through concrete, metal, and glass, so when firefighters, police, and EMTs are trying to talk to each other and evacuate the building, their radios don’t work. 

The solution is bi-directional amplifiers placed around your building. These amplifiers act as sound trampolines, taking the signal from one amplifier and bouncing it to the next, ensuring effective communication throughout the building. 

MonitoringOrlando commercial fire protection companies

Many Orlando commercial fire protection companies offer fire alarm monitoring, but do they use old-fashioned phone lines to do so? Probably. We saw the flaws in that method so we created DynaNet, our wireless monitoring solution. You don’t have to worry about cellular sunsets, slow response times, or cell tower damage affecting your emergency signal getting to our central monitoring station. DynaNet is the most reliable and quickest wireless fire alarm monitoring response available.

Let DynaFire Be Your First And Last Date

It’s pretty simple – DynaFire checks all the boxes when it comes to Orlando commercial fire protection companies. Our website begs for a second date, our reviews and testimonials are top-notch, and we offer everything you could possibly need for Fire & Life Safety. When you’re ready to put a ring on it, we’re here for you. Contact us today.

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