5 Interesting Fire Facts About Tampa Fire Sprinkler Services

There’s no doubt that a sprinkler system has saved countless lives. We’re sharing some interesting facts below that may have you jumping to invest in our Tampa fire sprinkler services.

Fact #1: Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems Have Been Around Since 1874

Can you believe it? Ever since the year 1874, fire sprinkler systems have been proven to be the single most effective method for fighting the spread of a fire in its early stages. This is beneficial because it can help to suppress the fire before it causes injuries or damages property. AKA, you definitely want this system to have your back or else you’ll have to actively find the nearest extinguisher or pull the fire alarm. You definitely need our Tampa fire sprinkler services.

Tampa Fire Sprinkler Services Fact #2: The Chances Of A Fire Sprinkler System Accidentally Going Off Are Slim To None 

We get it – you’ve seen the movies where a fire sprinkler system all of a sudden disperses and you’re hesitant about implementing one for your commercial business. While we understand what this myth could mean for your assets, the chances of it happening are slim to none. Especially if you invest in Tampa fire sprinkler services where we can help you maintain your systems and ensure they’re in great shape 24/7. 

Fact #3: Sprinkler Systems React To Temperature, They Do Not Automatically Go Off When One Does 

It’s a common misconception that when one sprinkler head goes off, they all do. This is not actually the case with commercial sprinkler systems. Only high heat, around 135 to 165 degrees Fahrenheit, that reaches a sprinkler head will set it off. Remember, a fire sprinkler systems’ job is to control and suppress the fire underneath it – the system won’t cause water damage in areas where there isn’t a fire. 

Fact #4: The Chances Of Dying In A Building Fire Are Reduced By 50-75% With A Fire Sprinkler System 

Think about how much safer you feel by simply reading that fact! We can’t stress enough how important it is to stay up to date on your Tampa fire sprinkler services. Not only could this system save your building, but also the lives of the people who work in it. 

Fact #5: The Time Is Now To Invest In Tampa Fire Sprinkler Services

If you ever had any doubt of the impact that Tampa fire sprinkler services have on a building, we hope you no longer do! To schedule an appointment, contact us today! We’d be honored to be your go-to Fire & Life Safety company.

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