Tampa Fire Sprinkler Installation: The Benefits Of Sprinkler Systems In Your Building

If you thought you knew everything there was to know about Tampa fire sprinkler installation, let us surprise you.  

Automatic fire sprinklers have been in use in the United States since 1874, and they are largely considered to be the most effective method of fighting and extinguishing fires in their early stages. These systems are required in most commercial buildings in the state of Florida, and when you need Tampa fire sprinkler installation, DynaFire has you covered. In this blog, we’re sharing everything you need to know about the benefits of installing commercial sprinkler systems, so you can love yours even more. 

What Are Fire Sprinkler Systems?

An automatic sprinkler system works to prevent the spread of fire by releasing water from sprinkler heads. The sprinkler heads are connected by distributed pipes. There are several types of water-based sprinkler systems:

  • Wet pipe systems are the most common sprinkler systems. In a wet pipe system, the sprinkler piping is constantly filled with water. They are temperature activated, and once the room reaches a specific temperature, they release water.
  • Dry pipe systems are quite similar to wet pipe sprinkler systems, and the primary difference is that the pipes are not constantly filled with water. The water is held back by a valve and is not released until the system is activated. These systems are usually smaller to reduce the delay in water availability during an activation.
  • Preaction sprinkler systems are the most complex, and they require a specific event (or series of events) to occur before they will release water. These systems are often used on properties that house high-value assets or may be at greater risk for accidental sprinkler activations and water damage. 

The Benefits Of Sprinkler Systems

Preventing loss of life and property damage

One of the greatest and most obvious benefits of a fire sprinkler system is the protection of people and property. Sprinkler systems reduce the spread of fire and allow building occupants to evacuate. This reduction in fire spread also reduces the amount of property damage present once the fire is extinguished. Fire sprinkler systems have been shown to reduce overall property damage by 70%, and that’s news we like to hear!

Reduced insurance premiums

Not only do fire sprinkler systems save business owners money by reducing property damage, but they also provide cost savings through lower insurance premiums. Talk to your insurer and find out if they offer a discount for your commercial property for having top-notch Tampa fire sprinkler installation in place.


As we mentioned before, Florida building and fire code requires fire sprinkler systems to be present in most commercial buildings. The exact requirements vary depending on the property size and the occupancy type. You can refer to your AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction) or your local fire protection experts for codes that impact your property.

Peace of mind 

Fire sprinkler systems are always there. Whether your building is empty outside of working hours or filled with employees, residents, students, or customers, you can rest easy knowing that your Tampa fire sprinkler installation is protecting lives and property.

Schedule Your Installation Today

At DynaFire, we work to provide you with efficient and thorough Fire & Life Safety solutions that meet the needs of your business and your budget. Whether you’re in the initial design phase of your sprinkler system or searching for the best Tampa fire sprinkler installation out there – we’re ready to help. Not only can we bring you design and installation services, but our experienced team is also here for the lifespan of your sprinkler system. We offer maintenance, testing, repairs, and retrofits. Contact us today to schedule your service!

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