Is It Time To Call A Jacksonville Fire Extinguisher Company?

The next time you pass by one of your fire extinguishers, do you notice a layer of dust? If you’ve been ignoring these essential safety tools, now is the perfect time to let our Jacksonville fire extinguisher company give them some TLC.

Having fire extinguishers around your facility is an excellent first step in your Fire & Life Safety plan. Actually, the first step is having DynaFire design and install your fire protection systems, but that’s another blog. Fire extinguishers are crucial to the safety of your building’s occupants as they assist with egress in case of an emergency. They also come in handy when Marsha sets her popcorn in the microwave for 20 minutes instead of two.

But you can’t just hang them on the wall or hide them in the breakroom cabinet and not check on them from time to time. Well, you can’t do that and expect them to work when you need them. Having a Jacksonville fire extinguisher company inspect and test your fire extinguishers is the only way to know they’ll be ready to go if there’s ever a fire. If you answer yes to any of these questions, give us a call.

Are Your Fire Extinguishers Expired?

Yes, fire extinguishers can expire. Who knew? We did. Non-rechargeable fire extinguishers have a lifespan of 10-12 years. After that, they should be retired. We can tell you if you’re unsure how old your fire extinguishers are.

Rechargeable fire extinguishers are another story. If you recharge them on schedule, they can last much longer than disposable ones, but they must be pressure tested every six years and recharged as needed. 

Not sure if your fire extinguishers are disposable or rechargeable? Give us a call.

Do You See Visible Wear Or Damage?Jacksonville fire extinguisher company

After dusting your fire extinguisher, look for signs of damage or wear. Dents and rust can compromise the effectiveness of a fire extinguisher, so it’s essential to keep an eye on them regularly. Also, take a look at the connections and hoses. If something doesn’t look quite right, have our Jacksonville fire extinguisher company perform a full inspection.

Not sure what you’re looking for when trying to find damage, wear, rust, or other signs your fire extinguisher needs service? Give us a call.

Has Your Office Layout Grown Or Changed?

Congratulations! Your business is growing! You’ve added more office space, workstations, and personnel to handle the growing demand for your services. As your business grows, remember to grow the number of fire extinguishers on staff to protect your employees.

A fire protection company like DynaFire will refer to the NFPA’s recommendations for fire extinguisher placement throughout your building. We can tell you how many more fire extinguishers you need and where to put them to abide by the NFPA safety guidelines.

Not sure if you need more fire extinguishers or where to put them? Give us a call.

Have You Had A Fire Incident?

Did you use the breakroom fire extinguisher for Martha’s popcorn? Then that fire extinguisher needs to be serviced. Once a fire extinguisher has been discharged, even if it was just for the microwave, its integrity has been compromised, and it must be emptied, tested, and refilled before it goes back under the cabinet.

Not sure if your fire extinguishers have been used? Give us a call.

Our Jacksonville Fire Extinguisher Company Is Your Fire Extinguisher’s BFF

We can handle your company’s fire extinguisher needs, from sale to service, maintenance, and recharging. We are a full-service Fire & Life Safety company, and we would be happy to talk to you about fire extinguishers or anything else fire related. Seriously, we love to talk about fire safety! Contact us today to find out how we can help you and your business stay safe.

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