Why DynaFire is the Right Fit for Your Medical Facility

Medical facilities’ operation and fire safety needs are unique. Our Miami fire protection service can perform a thorough exam and diagnosis before prescribing the most effective safety measures for the well-being of both patients and staff.

The Hippocratic Oath instructs healthcare providers to commit to patient care, confidentiality, and ethical conduct – basically, “do no harm.” Here, we discuss why our Miami fire protection service goes hand in latex glove with the care you offer to your patients.

Fire Suppression Solutions

What do hospitals, doctors’ offices, and nursing homes have in common? Other issues of People Magazine from the 1990s, these facilities are designed for patient care and need specialized equipment to do so. Gasses like oxygen, nitrogen, and nitrous oxide are flammable and can lead to fire if not stored properly. Paper products like patient records, medical supplies, and bedding can also fuel fires. 

The bottom line is that medical facilities typically house materials you don’t find in other businesses, so unique fire suppression solutions are needed. Our Miami fire protection service team will evaluate your building and design a system that will not damage any high-value assets while protecting your patients, residents, and staff.

Monitoring For Quick ResponseMiami Fire Protection Service

In a facility full of patients and staff, time is of the essence in an emergency. The faster the alarm signal reaches the fire department, the more quickly the fire will be extinguished and the safer your building occupants will be. The old way of monitoring fire alarms and transmitting emergency signals was over cellular networks. And we all know how unreliable those can be. 

We created DynaNet to communicate these emergency signals faster and more reliably using wireless networks. Now, instead of an emergency signal taking up to one full minute to arrive at the monitoring station over a cellular network, it takes just three seconds over the DynaNet network. When every second counts, count on DynaNet! Check out some other ways DynaNet beats cellular:

BDA For Effective Communication

Emergency responders are dispatched to your building once your DynaNet monitoring system has transmitted your emergency signal to the Central Alarm Monitoring Station. They need to communicate effectively with each other to put out the fire and evacuate the building efficiently. But, two-way radio signals are weak and can be blocked by building components like concrete and glass.

Here’s where our BDA Solution comes in! We can place bi-directional amplifiers throughout your medical facility to help boost the firefighters’ two-way radio communication signal so they can do their job faster and keep you safer.

Training For Efficient Evacuation

Getting out of the building in an emergency is relatively easy if you’re only responsible for yourself. Getting building occupants out who are sick, elderly, and non-ambulatory can be more difficult. Allow our Miami fire protection service to help train your staff on safe and effective patient evacuation procedures. Here are a few tips on ways your staff can be prepared for an emergency:

  • Establish clear evacuation routes and keep them clear at all times.
  • Assess patients to prioritize their evacuation needs.
  • Clearly mark fire extinguishers and exit routes.
  • Ensure adequate staffing and transportation services for non-ambulatory individuals.
  • Practice your evacuation plan regularly.

Our fire safety team can help you craft an evacuation plan, implement it in your medical facility, and train staff on its proper use.

Healthcare Facilities Choose DynaFire

Healthcare facilities across Florida choose us for our industry expertise in medical Fire & Life Safety. You can check out all of our Featured Projects on our website; here are a couple highlights:

We’re proud of the work we’re doing at the new 4-story addition to AdventHealth Fish Hospital of Orange City. We are onsite installing the Fire Alarm system that will protect front-line workers and patients alike.

The UCF Lake Nona Medical Center is now a receiver and transmitter of our DynaNet radio monitoring! We’re honored to protect their front-line workers, patients, and property with the largest fire alarm monitoring network in the country.

DynaFire’s Miami Fire Protection Service Can Prescribe The Right Fire Safety Solution For You

Your medical facility needs the specialized care we can provide. Our team of certified technicians can evaluate your property and recommend solutions that will protect your patients, staff, and equipment. Contact us today for a dose of Fire & Life Safety!

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