Decoding Your Fire Sprinkler Inspection Report: A Comprehensive Guide

Your fire sprinkler system requires regular inspections by an Orlando fire sprinkler system service technician, who provides you with an inspection report afterward. However, understanding what this report entails can be complicated. We’re here to decode your fire sprinkler inspection report, ensuring you’re fully informed about your system’s status.

Do you have a folder stuffed with service forms, receipts, and reports that you know you need to keep but don’t dare try to understand the technical jargon? We want all our clients to understand the language and details used in our inspection reports so that you’ll know your system’s health and safety status. 

Here’s a detailed explanation of our process from our Orlando fire sprinkler system service technicians. Now, when we hand you this report after each inspection visit, you’ll be able to read it like a pro.

The ITM Report

If you hear this term, you will know that the ITM Report is an abbreviation for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Report. We love abbreviations at DynaFire – using them gives us more time to talk about Fire & Life Safety solutions!

Follow along while we deep dive into what each section means for you and your business.

ITM Report

Part I – Owners Section

When you get your report, you will see the first section is the owners section that is to be filled out by the building owner or property manager. This part of the inspection aims to record background information about the property. Has occupancy changed since the last inspection? Are all fire protection systems currently functioning? These and other questions will help the inspection team know where to begin their work.

Part II: Inspectors Section

This form will be used for all of your weekly, monthly, quarterly, semiannual, or annual inspections. We can leave this form with you for weekly and monthly inspections, which can be performed by trained personnel in-house.

After each inspection, a colored tag will be placed on the system, indicating the potential need for further maintenance.

Green, Yellow, or Red Tags

When a fire protection system meets the relevant NFPA ITM standards, a GREEN Compliance Tag must be affixed to the main water control valve. GREEN tags cannot be applied to systems with existing deficiencies or impairments from prior inspections.

RED and YELLOW tags are given for systems that exhibit critical and noncritical deficiencies, respectively. 

Noncritical Deficiencies

Noncritical deficiencies in fire sprinkler inspection reports are minor issues that do not immediately endanger life or property, such as missing inspection tags or small leaks. When these deficiencies are identified, a YELLOW Non-Compliance Tag must be affixed to the main water control valve to indicate the need for corrective action.

Critical Deficiencies

Critical deficiencies in fire sprinkler inspection reports indicate serious issues that pose an immediate risk to life safety or property, resulting in a RED tag being applied to the system. These include problems like missing or damaged sprinkler heads and malfunctioning control valves. Prompt action is necessary to address critical deficiencies and maintain the system’s effectiveness and compliance with safety standards.

Weekly Inspections

Our team can train a designated employee to perform weekly inspections that include checking the proper position of the control valve and that the reduced pressure zone valve (RPZ) properly discharges water.

Monthly Inspections

Monthly inspections can also be performed by trained facility personnel. During this inspection, you should look for the proper position of control valves and ensure they are easily accessible and not leaking. Gauges should be in good condition, displaying correct pressure, and alarm valve gauges should be in the correct position. 

Quarterly Inspections

Only certified fire safety technicians can perform quarterly and annual inspections. Our DynaFire team will assess the items in the weekly and monthly checks and include more extensive inspections of the pressure-reducing valve. Each quarter, our Orlando fire sprinkler system service technician will also verify the fire department connection and ensure that alarm devices are damage-free.

Annual inspections

The most thorough inspection takes place once a year and includes verification of proper signage as well as evaluation of sprinkler heads and piping. We’ll check that your facility has the proper number of sprinkler heads, they are in the proper locations, and are free from damage. We’ll examine pipes to look for corrosion, leaks, and proper alignment. 


In addition to the above inspection schedule, our technicians will perform testing quarterly, semiannually, and annually. These tests are designed to ensure that water flow through your fire sprinkler system is optimal and that every component of your system functions properly.

Part III: Comments

Any “no” responses on the form must be explained in this section. These comments can include the following:

  • Important observations and recommendations
  • Notes related to the condition of the fire sprinkler system
  • Any deficiencies found during the inspection
  • Recommendations for corrective actions
  • Notes and suggestions regarding system performance, improvements, or upgrades
  • Observations on the overall condition of system components
  • Any other relevant information the inspector deems necessary to convey to the building owner or responsible parties.

Record Keeping

Businesses should keep inspection reports until the next inspection. For one-year inspections, reports should be kept for one year. The same schedule should be kept for monthly and quarterly reports.

These records must be provided to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) upon request. The responsibility for maintaining and supplying these reports lies with the owner, as they are considered the owner’s property, not the sprinkler contractor’s.

DynaFire Can Decode Your Orlando Fire Sprinkler System Service

Contact us to partner with the best Fire & Life Safety company around. We’ve served Central Florida businesses for 20 years and built a reputation for stellar customer service and integrity. We can perform all your fire sprinkler maintenance needs and then some!

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