The Psychology of Safety: Encouraging Compliance Among Residents

Keeping your residents safe is your top priority. Our Winter Garden fire extinguisher service explores how you can encourage building occupants to follow Fire & Life Safety guidelines.

You probably weren’t expecting a deep dive into human psychology when you came to a fire safety blog, but here we are. Think back to Psych 101 to the basic principles of human behavior and see how they apply to fire safety in your apartment, condo, or assisted living facility.

What do these buildings have in common? They serve as the residences for dozens, and sometimes hundreds or thousands, of individuals, covering extensive acres or soaring hundreds of feet into the sky. A fire that starts in one apartment can quickly spread to other apartments if not contained. 

One of the goals of our Winter Garden fire extinguisher service is to educate residents on safety measures and the proper use of fire extinguishers, empowering them to take swift action and prevent the escalation of such emergencies.

The Bystander Effect

The bystander effect happens when individuals in a group are less likely to offer assistance or take action in an emergency because they assume that someone else will do it. This diffusion of responsibility can lead to inaction, even when help is needed, as people tend to look to others to know how to behave. The bystander effect can lead to a reduced likelihood of individual action.

If a fire starts in the trash chute, a resident (or group of residents) may assume someone else will grab the nearest fire extinguisher and put it out or dial 911. Educating everyone on the property about the importance of immediate action can be the difference between a small fire in the basement dumpster and a life-altering event.

Psychological Safety

Generally, this term is reserved for the workplace and refers to team members and co-workers feeling safe to express a new idea or an issue that needs attention. Here, we can use this term to help our Fire & Life Safety efforts by making building occupants comfortable with asking questions. You don’t know what you don’t know, right? It’s okay to ask your neighbor, “Where is the nearest fire extinguisher?” or “How do you use this thing, anyway?” winter garden fire extinguisher service

Psychological safety can be fostered by encouraging your community of residents to learn what to do in an emergency. What you can do as the building owner or manager is to make it simple for residents to get the information they need. Post how-to flyers around the building showing exit routes and how to use fire extinguishers correctly. Not sure where to start with resident education? Contact our Winter Garden fire extinguisher service!

Florida Fire Code Requirements

To stay in compliance with Florida fire codes, it’s helpful to know what they are. Your local municipality can share more information on code compliance in your area, but in general, all commercial buildings must follow these guidelines:

  • A fire alarm system must be installed, tested, and maintained by a professional fire safety company (like DynaFire), and maintenance records must be kept.
  • Neither the building operator nor the building occupants should modify the fire alarm system. Florida Statutes require that only certified fire safety contractors are to perform repairs or maintenance.
  • An automatic sprinkler system must be installed, tested, and maintained by certified fire safety personnel in accordance with Florida fire code requirements.
  • Your fire safety system must have smoke detectors installed in each bedroom and common area of each residence, as well as in hallways and other locations as determined by the Florida Building Code.
  • Emergency exits and safety doors must be accessible at all times and remain clearly marked and clear of furniture or other obstructions.

Work Together To Stay Safe

Partnering with DynaFire’s Winter Garden fire extinguisher service can help foster trust and knowledge in your resident community. When neighbors collaborate, their shared commitment to safety safeguards individuals and property. Contact us today for more information.

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