Choosing the Right Fire Sprinkler System for Your Property

We all love choices – restaurants, radio stations, internet providers – and in these cases, there’s no right or wrong choice, just your preference. When it comes to your fire sprinkler system, however, our Orlando fire sprinkler system inspection team knows that there is a right choice – and we’ll help you find it.

If you own a construction company, you likely wouldn’t choose a Prius as your company vehicle. Why not? While it’s a great car with many advantages (it fits in small parking spaces and uses less gas), it’s not very handy for carrying ladders, tools, and construction materials to and from the job site. You shouldn’t choose just any vehicle; you should base your choice on your needs. 

Similarly, when choosing a fire sprinkler system for your property, you must consider which will be the best fit. How? Our Orlando fire sprinkler system inspection team breaks it down.

Types Of Fire Sprinkler Systems

In commercial structures, properly maintained fire sprinkler systems are not just a requirement but also significantly enhance the likelihood of safeguarding property and lives. The DynaFire team handles all types of commercial building sprinkler systems, including wet, dry, pre-action, and deluge systems, offering comprehensive services from installation to repairs

How To Choose The Right Fire Sprinkler System

If you’re worried about making the wrong choice, fear not! Our experienced Orlando fire sprinkler system inspection technicians will evaluate your building and business and recommend the best sprinkler system for your property. Here’s a handy guide to help you see what types of facilities benefit from which type of sprinkler systems.

Wet Pipe Sprinkler Systems

A wet pipe system is the most common type of fire sprinkler system. In this system, the pipes always contain water. When a fire is detected, the sprinkler heads disperse the water to extinguish the fire. You’ll find wet sprinkler systems in office buildings, retail stores, and multi-unit residential buildings (like condos and apartments). 

Wet pipe fire sprinkler systems are effective in buildings with low to moderate fire risk. This is especially true when water can easily extinguish the fire. However, these systems may not be ideal for places like museums or data centers. In such environments, the concern shifts to water damage, considering the presence of sensitive items or electronics.

Dry Pipe Sprinkler Systems

A dry pipe sprinkler system is designed for areas where freezing temperatures may occur. Instead of water, a dry pipe system is filled with pressurized air or nitrogen until a fire activates the sprinklers. 

When a sprinkler head detects heat, pressure is released, allowing water to flow into the pipes and through the sprinkler heads to extinguish the fire. You’ll find dry pipe systems in unheated spaces or locations prone to freezing, such as parking garages or warehouses in colder climates.

Pre-Action Sprinkler Systems

Beyond the basic wet and dry pipe systems, a pre-action fire sprinkler system uses a two-step process to release water to the sprinkler heads. First, when a fire is detected, the pre-action valve opens, allowing water to fill the pipes. Then, water is dispensed to extinguish the fire. 

The valve only opens where a fire is detected, so when Martha, the librarian, throws her birthday candle in the breakroom trashcan before it’s fully extinguished, only the breakroom gets doused with water, not the entire library.

Deluge Sprinkler Systems

As the name suggests, deluge fire sprinkler systems are designed to release a large volume of water immediately after a fire is detected. Valves on these systems prevent water from filling the pipes until another detection system, like smoke detection, is activated. After activation, water fills the system and flows from the open sprinklers or nozzles. 

Matching Facilities To Fire Sprinkler Systems

So, what type of fire sprinkler system will we install in your business? We’ll examine a few factors before making that decision, including:

  • Occupancy type
  • Building size and layoutOrlando fire sprinkler system inspection
  • Fire hazards
  • Temperature conditions
  • Building construction
  • Presence of high-value assets
  • Local building codes and regulations
  • Risk assessment
  • And others

Choosing the right fire sprinkler system involves a comprehensive evaluation of these factors to ensure effective fire protection tailored to the unique characteristics and risks of the space. Consulting with an Orlando fire sprinkler system inspection company is advisable to make informed decisions based on specific needs and local regulations.

We Can Help You Meet Your Fire Sprinkler System Match

Fire sprinkler systems come in many options, and we have the skills, knowledge, and experience to know the best choice for you. Let us take this decision off your plate so you can focus on your business. Contact us today to get started.

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