Hotel Fire Safety Tips From An Orlando Hotel Fire Alarm System Provider

Staying safe while you travel may be front of mind while you’re on the road, but what about when you’re tucked in at night? If you own or operate a hotel, share these safety tips from our Orlando hotel fire alarm system team. And if you’re looking for some hotel Fire & Life Safety – you know who to call.

Travel numbers are back up to pre-pandemic levels. Everyone is ready to hit the road and take to the skies. And when guests check into your hotel after a long day of travel, they like to know they can let their guard down and take off their figurative safety hat. 

At DynaFire, we keep our Fire & Life Safety hat on 24/7. Our vast experience installing Orlando hotel fire alarm systems makes us the experts when it comes to hotel safety. Keep these tips in mind and share them with your guests.

Know Before You Go

These days, short-term rental properties on VRBO and Airbnb are researched alongside hotel rooms. These properties have many advantages and some disadvantages. For example, they are not as regulated as hotels and may not have as many safety features. Before your guests book their stay, they should check the list of amenities and safety features. Are there smoke alarms? Carbon monoxide detectors? Fire extinguishers? The property your guests choose should be equipped with the appropriate fire protection equipment.

Check After Check-In

After guests have proudly checked that the property has smoke detectors, they can feel confident that they would be alerted if there was a fire. Unfortunately, in these types of properties, management companies don’t always check smoke detectors between occupants. 

Let’s say that the last visitors burned some popcorn, set off the smoke alarm, and removed the batteries to make it stop beeping. To be vigilant about fire safety, our Orlando hotel fire alarm system professionals recommend that guests check to make sure there are batteries in the smoke detectors and the light is on. If new batteries are needed, guests should alert the property manager.

Know How To Get OutOrlando hotel fire alarm system

Just as you have a family fire escape plan at home, your guests need to have a plan when they’re away from home. Hotels should have a map in the room showing you where the room is in proximity to the nearest escape route. 

In a short-term rental, guests should make sure they have two ways out of the building in case of emergency. They should look around to make sure there are no hazards in the way that could impede their exit. If there’s a chair in front of the back door, it’s okay to move it. The manager will understand.

More Safety Tips

The National Fire Protection Association is a wonderful resource for even more tips to keep travelers safe. This tip sheet is a good one for anyone to print off and take with them to remind everyone in the traveling party that Fire & Life Safety isn’t just for the home. If there are children traveling with the adults and there is a pool at the property, this flyer has some great info.

Wherever your guests stay when they’re away, our Orlando hotel fire alarm system team wants them to be safe. At DynaFire, we know that fires and other emergencies can happen at any time so we all need to stay alert and aware of our surroundings. Keeping these tips in mind will help your guests enjoy their vacay without worry. 

If you would like more information on Life & Fire Safety and how we can keep your guests protected, contact us today. We offer services for commercial buildings and we know all the safety tips.

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