The 3 Signs Your System Could Be In Need Of A Fire Sprinkler Repair

Is your fire sprinkler system causing you concern? Read the three signs below that might make you realize you’re eligible for a fire sprinkler repair.

Broken Or Loose Sprinkler Heads 

Seeing as these systems are often out of sight and out of mind, sprinkler heads are often neglected or accidentally damaged in a commercial environment. Anything can happen during construction, moving, office parties, etc. that can cause sprinkler heads to become loose or broken. 

If you notice these systems hanging lower than usual or missing a part, it’s in your property’s best interest to seek a professional opinion. We advise you to never try to repair these systems yourself in order to avoid injuring anyone in the process. Our DynaFire technicians will be happy to take a look at it and resolve any issues that may be preventing your system from functioning properly. 

leaking pipe from fire sprinklerFire Sprinkler Leak

If you notice watermarks on your ceiling or walls, you may be in need of a fire sprinkler repair. Sure, this problem could be a result of faulty plumbing or a roofing issue, but there’s also a chance that your fire sprinkler’s seal is to blame. 

Due to the fact that the water in the pipes of a fire sprinkler system is highly pressurized, it’s common for the seal to become loose over an extended period of time. While this is a concern we can usually catch during our test and inspection visits, it’s important to note as soon as you see the problem arising. 

Tripped Alarm 

During routine maintenance, we insert air into the pipes of your fire sprinkler system to ensure it’s reacting properly. Over the next few weeks, that air is then released slowly through microscopic fissures embedded in the pipes to test its performance. However, it is common for air to get trapped within the pipes and cause the system to react with false alarms. 

If this situation is happening on your property, don’t fret! Just contact DynaFire immediately to repair the system and provide you (and your employees’ ears) peace of mind. It happens! 

For more information about our fire sprinkler repair service, contact us today! At DynaFire, we’re always eager to provide Fire & Life Safety services to the businesses that make up our community.

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