The Speedy 3-Step Process You Can Expect From An Orlando Fire Sprinkler Inspection

If you’re a local commercial business and you can’t remember the last time you reached out for your Orlando fire sprinkler inspection, you’re not alone AND you’re probably due for a quick check-up. Here’s our three-step process to ensure you and your employees are kept safe.

Step 1: Testing & Inspection

At DynaFire, we’re the experts at testing and inspecting any commercial fire sprinkler system. That’s right, any! We’ll either walk you through the steps to assess your last Orlando fire sprinkler inspection or have one of our qualified team members do a walkthrough of your facility. 

While testing and inspecting your system, we’re looking specifically at the sprinkler head to ensure there’s no damage or blockage occurring. A loaded sprinkler head is one that is dirty with dust, grease or other materials causing it to work improperly. We’re also checking to ensure there are no bent sprinkler heads deflectors that may be missing parts or leakage of fluid in the glass bulb heat-response element. These are signs of damaged sprinkler heads that will most likely result in repair. And trust us, the newer the better.

Step 2: Deficiency Corrections & Repair

Orlando Fire Sprinkler InspectionIn the event that you do have damaged sprinkler heads and are in need of a repair or replacement, the DynaFire sprinkler team is eager to provide the necessary services to prolong the life of your investment. It’s always important to us that our clients are prepared for safety and their systems are NFPA 25 and NFPA 72 compliant! 

In permitting counties, we offer irrigation and domestic backflow preventers as a safety precaution. We’ll also service fire pumps and fire hydrants as a part of our test, inspect and repair service. If a replacement service is what you need, wet, dry, pre-action, deluge and foam-all commercial building sprinkler systems can be handled from start to finish with our help. We’ve got you covered.

Step 3: Reporting To Provide To Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)

When you come to us for an Orlando fire sprinkler inspection, you can expect a detailed report to provide to the AHJ, noting your most recent life safety service. Because we go by the NFPA 25 code (which is specific to fire sprinkler systems), we’ll always provide a report of the activity taken place for future references and inspections. Because we both know we’ll need to locate this service later at the most inconvenient time, right?

If you’re looking for an Orlando fire sprinkler service, we can be your go-to resource. Contact us today to schedule an inspection!

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