Fire Extinguisher Recertification: How We Keep Your Building in Compliance

On top of your responsibilities as a business owner or property manager, remember to keep your Orlando fire extinguisher recertification on schedule. Failure to do so could result in penalties, and no one has time (or the budget) for that!

Functional fire extinguishers are essential to your building’s safety, and everyone should know how to use them correctly. They are crucial for emergencies, like when Brenda used one to put out a microwave fire from her overcooked Cup O’ Noodles.

Regularly maintained fire extinguishers can prevent fiery emergencies and potential code violations. Keeping up with Orlando fire extinguisher recertification ensures your business remains penalty-free.

What’s The Recommended Fire Extinguisher Inspection Schedule?

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) mandates that fire extinguishers be inspected when installed and visually inspected every month after that. If any of your facility’s fire extinguishers are located where they are more prone to rust, impact, or tampering, you should have them visually inspected more frequently. Annual inspections are also required and must be performed by certified inspectors.

Only Certified Fire Safety Personnel Can Perform Annual Inspections

While it’s a good idea to designate office personnel to give your fire extinguishers a visual inspection periodically, you need a professional for the annual inspections. DynaFire’s team of fire extinguisher inspectors can perform these visual inspections and then take steps to ensure they are working correctly.

What’s Involved In An Orlando Fire Extinguisher Recertification?

The first step in your recertification inspection is a visual verification that specific parameters are being met. A visual inspection should include the following steps:

  • Ensure the fire extinguisher is located in its designated place.
  • Verify there is a visible sign indicating its location.
  • Confirm easy access to the extinguisher.Orlando fire extinguisher recertification
  • Check the pressure gauge to ensure it’s within the operable range.
  • Verify fullness by lifting or weighing the extinguisher.
  • Inspect tires, wheels, carriage, hose, and nozzle for wheeled fire extinguishers.
  • Operate the push-to-test pressure indicators for non-rechargeable extinguishers.

For rechargeable fire extinguishers, the next step is a regular maintenance appointment, during which, all internal components of the fire extinguisher will undergo replacement, and the dry chemical powder will be either recycled or replaced as needed. Hydrostatic pressure testing as part of your Orlando fire extinguisher recertification is required every five and 12 years to stay compliant. 

What Penalties Are Possible For Falling Out Of Compliance?

If you pay attention to your Orlando fire extinguisher recertification, your business will be protected and you can avoid fines and penalties from the fire inspector, OSHA, and your insurance company.

During their initial visit, your local fire inspector or fire marshal may not impose fines for a missed fire extinguisher inspection. Instead, they typically allow a specific period for deficiency corrections.

If OSHA pays you a visit and sees that your fire extinguishers need to be correctly updated, it may fine your business without warning. 

Insurance companies are now conducting more frequent inspections of their policyholders. While no fines are involved, inadequate property protection might lead to your insurer canceling your policy.

Trust DynaFire With Your Orlando Fire Extinguisher Recertification

While it can be scary to think about non-compliance penalties, it’s simple to take this worry off your plate. Let our certified team put your fire extinguishers on a regular inspection and maintenance schedule. Contact us today to get started.

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