What Happens During An Jacksonville Fire Sprinkler Inspection

You know you need an Jacksonville fire sprinkler inspection, but what can you expect? We’ll answer your questions and make sure you’re prepared.


Keeping your water-based fire suppression system in peak condition is an essential part of any Fire & Life Safety strategy. So whether the big day is already here or you’ve just put it on the calendar – make sure to give yourself a pat on the back for doing your part and scheduling your Jacksonville fire sprinkler inspection. And if you know you need to have a sprinkler inspection done, we can tell you exactly who to call


What Makes Your Fire Sprinkler System So Important?

As your first defensive measure in case of a fire, there is a long list of advantages to having a fire sprinkler system in your building. They are also required by code in most buildings. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Can control or extinguish fires from the time they start, giving time for building occupants to evacuate and first responders to arrive on scene
  • Can save money by reducing overall property damage
  • Can sometimes make your property eligible for reduced insurance costs
  • Can provide protection from liability in certain cases


Do I Need An Annual Inspection?

Annual sprinkler inspections are required by NFPA code, and don’t worry about finding the right people to do the job – DynaFire is a full-service fire inspection company


Jacksonville Fire Sprinkler Inspection: Our Process

When we come to your property for your inspection, we will walk the area that has sprinklers installed. NFPA regulations call for inspections of the sprinkler heads, pipes, and fittings “from the floor level,” and our eagle-eyed technicians don’t miss a thing. 


What exactly are we looking for? We thought you’d never ask:

  • Leakage
  • Corrosion detrimental to sprinkler performanceJacksonville Fire Sprinkler Inspection
  • Physical damage
  • Missing sprinkler heads or components
  • Proper clearance of sprinkler heads
  • Loss of fluid in the gas bulb heat-responsive element
  • Accumulated dust that is detrimental to sprinkler performance
  • Adequate replacement components and tools
  • Paint on the sprinkler system, other than that applied by the sprinkler manufacturer
  • Correct installation and orientation


Some of the fixes are simple. A painted over sprinkler would almost always need to be replaced, since the paint can affect the heat-sensing capabilities as well as clog the deflectors, disrupting water flow. 


Other fixes take more time. For example, fixing the orientation of a sprinkler head can involve replacing or repositioning the pipes that supply the sprinkler head, “either directly or through sprigs, drops, return bends, or arm-overs.” 


Some Jacksonville Fire Sprinkler Inspection FAQs:


Do all sprinklers on my property require inspection?

It may surprise you, but no. Per NFPA code, sprinklers that are installed in concealed locations, like above drop ceilings, don’t require annual inspection. Sprinklers that are located in areas that cannot be inspected without extreme risk to the inspector are also exempt. Our technicians are brave, but not stupid.


Do I need to have backup sprinkler equipment on hand?

Yes, part of your annual Jacksonville fire sprinkler inspection is to ensure that you have all of the replacement parts needed, and the tools to install them. We go by the requirements outlined in NFPA code


How can I get DynaFire for my annual fire sprinkler inspection?

It’s easy! Just give us a call, or fill out our online contact form, and we’ll have one of our Fire & Life Safety experts on your property in no time.

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