Is Your Fire Sprinkler Leaking In Daytona? Here’s Why

Fire sprinkler leaking in Daytona? Not only can we tell you why; we can fix it too.

First of all, if your sprinkler is leaking, this is an emergency issue. And the cause doesn’t need to be a mystery. Our technicians at DynaFire are basically walking Fire & Life Safety encyclopedias (remember, those things we used before Google?), and they won’t just answer your questions, they’ll repair the leak as well. 

4 Of The Possible Reasons Your Fire Sprinkler Is Leaking

While we can’t tell you exactly why it’s leaking until we examine it closely, here are a few really common reasons that your sprinkler system may have a leak. 


This miracle of science (not really) is caused by the combination of water, oxygen, and metal. Your sprinkler system runs water through metal pipes, and the exposure to oxygen can cause it to rust and break down. Some common signs of a corroding sprinkler system include:

  • Leaking, discolored water
  • A rotten egg smell
  • Rusting
  • Pipe obstructions

Intentional or Accidental Damage

Whether by vandalism or an accidental act, fire sprinkler systems can be damaged by building occupants. Your fire sprinkler heads contain a glass bulb heat response element, and sometimes all it takes is an object bumping into the glass bulb to break it. If you’re visualizing a cascade of water throughout your building – we have good news. Your fire sprinkler heads activate independently, so even if one is damaged, it won’t cause the entire system to be activated.

Freezing Temperatures

We know, we know, we’re talking about your fire sprinkler leaking in Daytona, Florida. But we wouldn’t be obsessed with Fire & Life Safety ifFire Sprinkler Leaking In Daytona we didn’t include every single common cause of fire sprinkler leaks. And for buildings that house cold storage or deep-freeze storage, this is a legitimate and serious concern.

In freezing temperatures, portions of a sprinkler system that might be poorly insulated can freeze, causing the water inside to expand and damage the pipes. This can lead to a fire sprinkler head breaking and dumping hundreds to thousands of gallons of water inside the facility.

Factory Defects and Equipment Failure

It’s highly unusual and most occurrences happen during construction, but leaks can be caused by equipment failure initiated by manufacturer defects, improper installation or repairs, and design faults. A thorough inspection from one of our NICET-certified technicians can determine whether your fire sprinkler system leak is caused by one of these things.

What Can You Do About Your Fire Sprinkler Leaking?

We have the easy answer for this one – call in the pros. NFPA standard requires that any fire sprinkler system that has signs of leakage be replaced, so at the first indication of damage, you need DynaFire.

In this blog, we’ve only discussed a few of the possible reasons that your fire sprinkler system could be leaking. To determine the cause behind your fire sprinkler leak, our team can come to inspect your system and determine the best course of action from there. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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