What A Fire Extinguisher Inspection In Miami Consists Of

As a Fire & Life Safety company, we abide by the proper procedures to ensure our clients’ systems are ready to roll when they need to. Here’s what you can expect from a fire extinguisher inspection in Miami.


What Is The Process For A Fire Extinguisher Inspection In Miami?

Fire Extinguisher Inspection In MiamiStep One: Visual Inspection 

First thing’s first, we want to make sure your fire extinguisher has a designated home that’s visible and reachable. If a fire were to break out, it’s important that you and your employees know exactly where to go to find a Fire Safety system. After we identify the fire extinguisher’s location, we’ll make sure all parts are present, including the hose, handle, cylinder, nozzle, pin security tag, maintenance or inspection tag, safety pin, and gauge. 

Step Two: Physical Inspection 

From there, we’ll perform the physical inspection by examining the extinguisher for any obvious damage, corrosion or leakage. We’ll then make sure the locking pin is intact and the tamper seal is unbroken, as well as lift the extinguisher to check and see if it has been emptied. During a fire extinguisher inspection in Miami, it’s vital to check off all of these boxes because one misstep could be the reason a fire gets out of hand. 

Step Three: Verification

During the last part of the inspection, we must verify that all the proper tags and signage are updated and visible. The operating instructions on the nameplate must be legible and facing outward, and the tag must have the date of the last professional service with the initials. Once all is said and done, we will follow suit and leave our initials verifying that the inspection is complete and all is well with your fire extinguisher! 

How Often Should You Get A Fire Extinguisher Inspection In Miami? 

A maintenance inspection should be performed annually to give maximum assurance that your extinguisher will operate effectively if/when the time comes. That’s why it’s vital to never neglect these appointments, otherwise, your extinguisher could run the risk of malfunctioning when you need it the most. 

For more information about our process or the logistics behind a fire extinguisher inspection in Miami, contact us today!

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