What Has DynaFire Been Up To?

DynaFire has been full steam ahead on some big changes lately. It’s like total world domination, accept not evil and only in Florida.

  • Introduced online bill payment. You know, always trying to make things easier for our awesome clients.
  • Created a web portal. It allows clients to see future, current, and past jobs, including Test & Inspection reports. Yup, all you Property Managers are freaking out right now because this is SO HELPFUL. We know, that’s why we did it. *First-time users need to submit an account request in the portal using the same email address associated with their DynaFire account. After that, easy peasy access to the account from then on.
  • Received 2 awards. DynaFire was awarded the Notifier Million Dollar Award and the GrowFL Companies to Watch 2016. (Insert DynaFire tooting our own horn emoji)
DynaFire had a blast at the Notifier 30th Annual Leadership Conference.
  • We survived Hurricane Matthew. Hopefully, all of you did too. Our great state took a beating but we are quickly bouncing back, and Team DynaFire is doing our part to ensure clients across the state are 100% operational when it comes to Fire & Life Safety.
  • We are finishing a corporate office overhaul. Technically we simply moved a couple of renters out of the complex to make more room for our team. It has been real tight around these parts for a long time, honestly. Engineers crammed in everywhere, desks in random places, people setting up workstations in the DynaFire Academy, it’s been an experience fitting all this Fire & Life Safety goodness into the Casselberry office. But now, everyone is getting more leg room! Engineering and Service have their own buildings, we have a second warehouse, HR has room to…HR. Very exciting stuff.
  • Acquired a business. This is our most recent and very exciting event. DynaFire purchased a locally owned Fire & Life Safety business, WSA. We’re still bringing WSA employees into the DynaFire Family and informing their client base about the new products and services they’ll receive. Be ready to see DynaFire all over Volusia and Flagler County!

So as you can see, we have been rocking and rolling through 2016, and we don’t have any intention of slowing down anytime soon. #DynaFireLife

Have a Fire & Life Safety topic you’d like us to discuss? Shoot us a message here or at info@dynafire.com and we’ll do our best to cover it.


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